PDF download from directivty.com.au
- Media Trends and Data
- "Classic" Campaign (Milk)
- 7M Framework
- Mission and Message
- Rational Appeals
- Emotional Appeals
"TV has remained pretty flat"
"People still seem to like watching TV
- although they may be doing it in different forms now"
In terms of marketing spend,
SEO > Display Ad > Mobile marketing > Email marketing > Social media
Classic Campaign
: constant decrease in California milk consumption
: increase mindshare & manage "rationing"
The "GOT MILK?" Communication Campaign
: "it would be very important for you not to run out of milk and to have milk in your home"
*Market (target audience) = People who current drink milk
*Message Content = Make sure you have enough milk (it complements many other meals)
*Mission = Increase milk consumption by one glass per week within a year
*Message design (creative solution) = GOT MILK? "deprivation" campaign
- 우유를 평소 마시는 사람이 정말 중요한 순간에 우유를 마실 수 없게 됐을 때의 불쾌한 느낌을 되살리는 캠페인
- Got Milk? 캠페인 분석자료 (PDF 다운로드 링크)
*Media strategy = TV, print
*Money = Unknown
*Measurement = 60% aided recall in 3 months / 2.67% ($30M) increase in annual sales
The amount of money spent to deliver campaigns is IMPORTANT.
"그 사실을 아는가? 나는 광고에 쓴 돈의 절반이 낭비라는 것을 알고 있다.
하지만 난 낭비가 아닌 다른 절반에 대해서도 잘 모르겠다."
John Wanamaker, 1928
그러나 광고 등 마케팅 예산을 100% 부정적인 고정비로 볼 것이 아니라,
고객 충성도, 광고로 인한 가격탄력성 저하, 더 많은 소비 창출 등을 미래에
만들어내는 자산의 개념으로 접근해야 한다.
The 7M Framework
[ Targeting / Positioning ]
Markets - Target Segment
Message Content - Key Benefit / Positioning
[ Advertising Decisions ]
Mission - What to achieve? Awareness / Knowledge / Interest / Trial
Message Design - How should I say? Creative Strategy
Media Strategy - How do I reach them?
Money - How much to spend?
Measurement - Was it worth it? What metric can prove it?
본 내용은 아래 MooC 강의의 학습내용을 바탕으로 작성했습니다.
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